Not my plan on buying these but I wanted to try the Dolly Wink liquid eyeliner for a long time!The kabuki brush from Koji is amazing!Very soft! The In2it liquid lipcolor is good too...very moisturizing. Overall, I'm satisfied! For the quality, they're inexpensive! Got the lipcolor and kabuki brush on SALE too! In2it-263.75pesos Dolly Wink Liquid Eyeliner-699.75pesos Koji Kabuki Brush-399.75pesos
Sharing to you a not so boring content of my "artist" life! I will try my very best to update you on what's hot and what's new! I have a Facebook Page called "Make up by E.J. Litiatco" and Instagram "makeupbyejlitiatco" ,maybe you can follow my journey? =D Peace!