I'm always fascinated with hairstyles --- the chignon, French twist, etc. I think it has a different effect on me like I'm doing a unique sculpture but this time with hair. Years ago, after I learned Hi-Definition Make up at the same school in CAS, I enrolled myself to Basic Upstyle under a French teacher Laurent Hebert. He was really good and I'm really happy that I'm practising it now. Here are some of my recent works. Hair accessory I made I made this hair accessory too. This is Loraine Wong,another make up artist . I did a simple braid on her. Here is a collage of hairstyles I created. Loraine was the one who did all their make up.
Sharing to you a not so boring content of my "artist" life! I will try my very best to update you on what's hot and what's new! I have a Facebook Page called "Make up by E.J. Litiatco" and Instagram "makeupbyejlitiatco" ,maybe you can follow my journey? =D Peace!