Based on my opinion, if you care what I use for everyday that is =), I normally put on a few of this on my face and I am ready to go. It has SPF 20 which is a good thing! When I'm lazy to put on moisturizer and sunblock I go straight to this but don't mistake this as a best alternative though. I would still be using a sunblock underneath or maybe a light brushing of powder with some SPF again...and oh, don't forget to put protection on your eye area too by swiping a very thin film of the product.
Sharing to you a not so boring content of my "artist" life! I will try my very best to update you on what's hot and what's new! I have a Facebook Page called "Make up by E.J. Litiatco" and Instagram "makeupbyejlitiatco" ,maybe you can follow my journey? =D Peace!